German Pancakes - Gluten Free (crepes)

One thing I have really missed since I went on the Celiac diet was German Pancakes. I tried to make them a few times and they ended up in the garbage. If they don't taste 'right', (meaning the same as regular) I'd rather go without ! But the other day I tried again and achieved SUCCESS !!! My husband accused me of using wheat flour! When I served them to my family -- Celiacs and non - I got big smiles and thumbs up - I had to mix up more batter! Even if I say so myself , these ARE really good !!! ** Ingredients 4 eggs 1 cup whole milk 1/2 cup pancake mix (recipe following) (butter for frying) (NOTE - the above ingredients are in easily multiplied/divided amounts to suit the number of people to be served - the 4 egg amount will make 10 - 8"pancakes)

This batter does not like to stand - so mix only as much as you are going to use in one preparation - do not set any aside to use later.

  1. Whisk eggs, milk, pancake mix together in a large measuring cup or bowl until perfectly smooth. The batter will be thin.

  2. Using a heated frying pan, place a small dab of butter on the hot pan held off the element and tilt it to coat the bottom with the melting butter.

  3. Still holding the frying pan off the element pour in just enough batter (a scant 1/4 cup) to coat the bottom of the pan, tilting the pan to let the batter spread. If it doesn't spead easily add a little more milk.

  4. Placing pan back on the element let it cook until nicely browned, then slip a spatula under it and flip over to brown the other side. (these are easy to flip UNLESS you try to flip them too soon)

  5. Remove pancake to a warmed plate (I place the plate on the warmer element on my stovetop)

  6. Repeat from step 2 until batter is used up, stacking the pancakes on the plate.

  7. Serve rolled up with sugar, pancake syrup, fruit syrup, fruit, whipped cream - as desired !


Pancake Flour Mix

  • 1/2 cup white bean flour

  • 1 cup white corn flour

  • 1/4 cup potato starch

  • `1 tsp xanthan gum

  • 1 1/2 tsp salt

Mix thoroughly and store in cool, dry place. (fridge is OK)


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